Monday, May 30, 2011

The Future of Sustainablility

Sustainability is defined as the ability to endure, to last.  This class has reminded me that this initiative is not for the select few, but for all of us.  It has shown me that there are many differing degrees in which a family, organization, or even building may choose to be "green", but the paradigm shift is for all of us.  The practice of recycling may range from recycling plastic bottles to recycling and reusing material from the demolition of a building.  The conservation of water may be as simple as turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth to a installing a complex irrigation system using reclaimed run-off water.  Energy savings may be changing your light bulbs to compact fluorescent or installing a state of the art HVAC system.  Each of these choices will have a positive impact on the sustainability of our planet. 

The US Green Building Council LEED certification process has created one way to help make corporations aware and accountable of the choices they make in the running of their businesses.  They have challenged the building industry to adopt building practices with a broader perspective in mind and have found a way to reward those efforts through the certification process.  While there are other certification processes, LEED offers a consistent and credible way to evaluate building construction and maintenance and has been selected as the primary standard.  As the USGBC continues to grow and fine tune their accreditation process, I believe we will see an increase in specialized businesses that address the issues covered in the LEED commissioning process.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Inside of Green

Natural wood, stone floors, low-e windows are all the glitzy aspects of green.  But what about the inner workings of a LEED certified building, the things that contribute daily to energy and costs saving?  It may not be as pretty, but the operating systems are very important to true sustainability.

TCC entrance
We were given a chance to tour the Tarrant County College Trinity River Campus (formerly Radio Shack), a LEED Silver project.  While the entrance and foyer are quite impressive, we were able to see how it all works in a behind-the- scenes tour.  The campus is made up of almost 1 million square feet and was purchased by TCC for $260 million.  Radio Shack's headquarters continues to occupy one of the three buildings.  The college has done a good job of adapting the space to their needs, but it is easy to see by all the luxury finish out that this is not your ordinary community college campus.

 The chiller system was the main focus of our tour and was cutting edge technology when it was installed.  The premise of the system is to run cooled water through out the building under the raised floor (see right).  The air is dispensed through the floor with the intake near the ceiling.  The system is run on an automated system running only when necessary. The air is constantly monitored for temperature and CO2 levels to maintain the right temperature and air quality. 

We started by visiting one of the many air handlers.  Each air handler handles the cooling for half of its floor and the floor above it.  The handlers move the air through dense filters dramatically improving the air quality.  The pipes in the back are heavily insulated to help reduce heat transfer, a characteristic of the entire system.  We then headed to the basement where the air chiller is housed.  There were two things immediately noticeable when entering the mechanic room - the loud noise and how clean and comfortable it was.  This is not the hot and steamy "boiler room" you see in the cartoons.  Instead, it was climate controlled and very clean.  The water travels into the chiller where it is cooled to about 42 degrees and then sent out through insulated pipes.  The building primarily uses body heat to heat the building, with no formal heating system.  The entire system is powered by a computer "brain" that checks the system regularly and alerts the maintenance team when there is a problem.  They also have consultants that help electronically when the problem is more complex.  In addition to the energy saving (about 50%) this has also saved them in staffing costs.

A building's major energy use is through its HVAC system and this building has dramatically reduced its carbon footprint through upgrading their system to a sustainable system.  While the TCC campus also has many of the more visible aspects of sustainable building in place, it is important to note that often the most important and effective aspects of a green building are hidden deep within the building.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Green to the Core

"We are green to the core.  BRIT lives our commitment to long-term sustainability - beginning with our building." - cover of BRIT brochure

The Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) has just opened its new facility in Fort Worth next to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens and in a word - WOW!  They are seeking platinum level LEED certification, "the highest level of green" and have done an impressive job of creating a beautiful facility that meets their needs while accomplishing this goal of sustainability.  Their dedication to preserving our natural world is complimented by their commitment to educating the public on how they can contribute to this global initiative.

Richard Smart, Head of Public Programs at BRIT, gave us an after-hours tour of their new campus.  His enthusiasm was contagious and the pride he felt in being part of this project was evident throughout the presentation.  Here is a quick (and incomplete) look at the sustainable qualities of this new facility:

Entrance and vegetative roof
 Water: Water conservation and use is a core element of BRIT's sustainable mindset.  From its two 5,000 gallon cisterns to store runoff water to pervious walkways, BRIT has looked for ways to minimize runoff and create opportunities for rain water to soak back into the earth.  They have incorporated bioswales into their landscaping and installed low to no water usage fixtures in their bathrooms.  One of the greatest water conservation qualities is the vegetative roof, made up of native plants and offering a research laboratory as well as helping to cool the building and reduce run-off.   The hope is that the irrigation will be operated exclusively using run-off and bioswale water and that the green roof in essence erases the footprint of their education building. 

Energy:  BRIT has looked for ways to both reduce their energy use as well as harness renewable energy.  The use of natural light, light harvesting sensors, and motion detectors minimize the use of light in the building.  They have also built a geothermal system that should reduce their heating and cooling energy use by over 50%.  Solar tubes on the roof of the archive building collect solar energy from 360 degrees, maximizing the sun's energy for use on the campus.

sinker cypress wall

Sustainable Material:  BRIT's commitment to sustainable building extends to the materials they selected - looking for recycled, reclaimed, or sustainably farmed materials whenever possible.  The result is a beautiful blend of natural products such as sinker cypress, bamboo ceilings, and wool carpet combined with rubber-based floors made from recycled tennis shoes and tires.  BRIT also used over 20% recycled materials such as steel and ceiling tiles made from recycled sheetrock and recycled over 90% of the materials from the existing building, substantially reducing their contribution to area landfills.
Extra Touches:  One of the things that make this building so special is that BRIT looked for ways to go beyond.  The outdoor theater/meeting place is built using area rocks stacked in geologic order, creating a wonderful learning opportunity on the history of Fort Worth soil.   Wires on the sides of their archive building will help vines grow into a vertical garden and aide in the cooling of the building and provide a visible reminder of the importance of blending with environment.  The learning opportunities in the form of exhibits and classrooms include the treehouse room that showcases a 100+ year oak tree they saved during construction.  BRIT has also created wonderful literature not only sharing when they did to be sustainable, but challenging visitors to seek answers to the question "What can I do?"

The new BRIT campus is amazing and it will come as no surprise that it was also very expensive.  At $45 million for 70,000 square feet it represents a standard out of reach of most individuals and organizations.  The encouraging thing is that this project was financed by people who believe in sustainability and the work of BRIT.  While many donations were substantial, there were no doubt many people who contributed $10 or $25 to this initiative as a way to be part of something significant. . . and beautiful.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Sharing is key to sustainable living and sharing is hard!

Last night we took a step in that direction by sharing class with a UTA Masters in Sustainability course in Dallas.  We met in downtown Dallas in The Universities Center of Dallas, the first Multi-Institutional Teaching Center for higher education in Texas.  This willingness to share has created convenient education opportunities (reducing student commute time and energy), repurposed a building (formerly a department store), and set a standard for sustainability through example.  The two professors who spoke, Ed Nelson and Michael Buckley, both reiterated the importance of sustainability looking beyond energy savings to a wholistic view of the efficient use of space, resources, and responsibility.

Sharing Space  Sharing space means we have less of it exclusively for ourselves.  This may translate to smaller living space, not travelling in our own car, working in smaller offices, and having to use the pronoun "our ___" more than "my ___".  This is the idea behind mixed use developments that encourage people to live, work, and play in the same area.  It could also take the form of rotating class schedules allowing a college to have two sets of classes utilizing the same space over evenings and weekends.  It doesn't mean you don't get your own space, it just challenges us to use space in an increasingly efficient way.  The most obvious use of shared space is park space - the "shared backyard" that is currently defined as open space.

Sharing Resources  At the core of sustanability is the need to use our resources strategically. These may be tangible resources such as fuel, water, food, and energy or intangibles such as information and insight.  As we focus on sustainable development we need to consider ways to incorporate sharing our resources in a way that benefits a widening group of people.  One current resource that is being under used is that of empty buildings and vacant land.  Dr. Buckley spoke at length about the importance of revisiting these unused areas and envisioning new, sustaible uses for them.  Whether is is transforming a vacant train station into a university as UTA did with the Fort Worth Santa Fe Campus or an old grocery stonre into a church, sharing resources means we are willing to look at the possibility of building on things that already have embodied energy.

Sharing Responsibility   One of the most interesting aspects of Dr. Buckley's presentation had to do with the concept of connectivity and creating environments that connect people.  One of the biggest concerns in densely populated areas is increased crime which results form an increasing sense on anonymity.  Opening buildings to the public areas by having entries facing the street, elevated for privacy or utilizing the urban street wall to create sidewalk living space all build a sense of community that increases responsibility and accountability and as a result reduces crime.  Each of us must be willing to contribute to the idea of sustanability , even if it is an a small way such as recycling or carpooling.

Sharing  means we need to be willing to embrace change - not give up everything we have or want, just be willing to look at it a little differently in the hopes that we can share this planet a little longer.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Sustainable Mindset

Sustainability is a mindset, a paradigm shift that looks at not only the here and now, but takes a long enduring perspective.  While much of this perspective has to do with energy use and recycling, it may take a simpler, less obvious appearance in the form of urban infill or building repurposing.  Two very different projects in Dallas illustrate this diversity – Zang Triangle Apartments in Oak Cliff and 400 North Ervay in the old Post Office building in downtown Dallas.

Zang Triangle - Elevation & Site Plan

Zang Triangle  In the Oak Cliff area south of downtown Dallas, Lang Partners is hard at work on an apartment project nestled on a 2.88 acre triangular piece of land at Zang and Colorado - Zang Triangle Apartments.  Committed to developing projects that offer the pedestrian lifestyle, Land Partners is constructing a 260 unit complex with upscale amenities.  Dirik Oudt, President and Kyle Oudt, Director of Operations meet with our UTA group to share the challenges they faced in undertaking this development.  Dirik
Oudt said that the two major challenges were 1) financing the project and 2) putting together the right team.  The challenges of the financing were made more complex by the timing project and the lack of traditional funding available.  While this process took longer that usual, Oudt acknowledged that the hard times also contributed to making the project possible.  TIF , funding through NTCOG, and the lower cost of construction in the down market all contributed to the ultimate success of the financing.  The second challenge was putting together the best team to make this idea a reality.  The defined space constraints, the need to obtain maximum density, and the obligation to build a concrete parking space all led to unique characteristics and the need for an experienced and unique team.  Lang Partners found that team in the form of architect group JHP and general contractor CF Jordan
400 North Ervay  The second project we visited was at 400 North Ervay in downtown Dallas.  This project is a repurposing of the old Post Office  & Courthouse built in the late 1920's into luxury apartments.  Shawn Todd of Todd Investments shared with us the story of the building's new birth and gave us a tour of the property "in process".  His frank and open presentation of the challenges of the project was both an encouragement and an inspiration.  The building is, in Todd's words, "cool".  The attention to detail and unique craftsmanship were everywhere from the light fixtures to the ceiling.  The history of the building was also fascinating -  housing the courtroom of the judge who swore LBJ in to the Office of President after the assassination of JFK.  One of the most fascinating elements of this project was the formation of a condominium contract with the post Office, allowing them to own and continue to operate their office on the first floor of the builiding.  Todd discussed the challenges of working on a National Historic Landmark and the benefits and limitations that designation presents to financing.  Beyond the unique achitectural features of the project, it will house only 78 units creating a small and homey atmosphere, a noted difference from the high rise apartments prevelant in downtown Dallas.  Another interesting feature of the project is the addition of an event venue utilizing the
courtroom common space and a planned rooftop terrace.

Sustainable Mindset  When both developers were asked what sustainable features they had worked into their project, they were quick to step away from the concept focusing on the challenges of financing in this down market, the increased level of code requirements, and the high cost of green certification.  They did list the use of energy efficient light bulbs and low use plumbing fixtures, but didn’t seem to think of themselves as sustainable beyond that.  In truth, both these project represent a sustainable mindset.  Zang Triangle is revitalizing an urban environment while promoting a walkable lifestyle.  The 400 North Ervay Apartments are an example of ultimate recycling taking a unique building, maintaining its integrity, and preserving its history while giving it new life.  Sustainabilty is defined as the capacity to endure.  Based on the presentations by the developers of Zang Triangle and 400 North Ervay, they are both exmples of a sustainable mindset.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

LEEDing Edge

U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), founded the organization Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) in 2000 to help meet the growing demand for an ongoing definition and standard for "green" buildings.  While there are many ways to "go green", LEED certification seems to hold the most consistent, credible, and recognized standards, particularly in commercial real estate.  Determining what, if any, certification you want to achieve is one of the earliest steps of a sustainable project. While many of the expectations are the same across different certifications usch as EnergyStar and NAHB, the fact that the government has chosen LEED certification for its buildings gives it an added level of integrity.  One of the most important considerations when undertaking a sustainable project is having all of the many parties involved in the construction or retrofit project ready and able to communicate.  LEED Associated Professionals are educated in terminology and standards that are cutting edge in the industry.
 Beyond training, accreditation, and certification, the USGBC offers the important element of community.  The annual GREENBUILD conference allows professionals the opportunity to learn and teach their peers on the ever-expanding green initiative while spending time with people who share a common goal: sustanability. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Green is Growing

The green building initiative is growing and as a result green support businesses are sprouting up everywhere.  Here is a look at a few:

Green Commissioning: Commissioning is the process by which someone makes sure the end product of a project (in this case a building) performs the way it was intended it to.  It comes from the historical process of commissioning a ship and allows someone to take their project from idea to reality.  This is not just for new construction, but it is also a growing trend with retrofits.

Green Project Profitability:  One of the challenges with selling green buildings and retrofits is monetizing the potential profit or gain.  While most people agree that the intangible benefits of sustainability are important, there need to be economic incentives for the initial investment.  While initial payback in the form of reduced energy bills is one way to determine profitability, the challenge is gathering enough data to support the long term gains.

Green Lending:  Lending institutions, such as E3 Bank,  that focus on green or sustainable projects are faced with the challenges of monetizing profitability if they choose to qualify projects in a traditional manner.  Currently public funding in the form of grants and refunds is a primary financial source.  Hopefully, as we gather more information about the long term benefits of sustainable construction, there will be increased benefits to property owners, companies, and builders seeking loans for sustainable construction

Interior of a green office building
in Cambridge, MA.

Green Insurance:  There is no question that green buildings are unique and, as a result, they present a unique insurance challenge.  A few insurance companies, such as Fireman's and Traveler's, offer green insurance.  These policies take into account the added expense of green buildings as well as the need to replace them up to current sustainability in the event of a disaster, even offering LEED certified claims adjusters.
Green Leasing:  Once the property owner has invested in constructing or retrofitting a green building, policies need to be in place to help insure the building operation supports and maintains its green status.  Enter the green lease.  This lease addresses everything from specific finish out materials to mandating recycling.  As the number of green buildings increase, so will the need to allow property owners to have leases in place that support this initiative.

LEED standards provide guidelines for construction and consistent and credible benchmarks for other support industries and businesses.  Sustainability is here to stay in the building industry.  As the inventory of green buildings increases, companies that have positioned themselves to meet these changing needs will thrive. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sealing the Envelope
One of the areas of consideration when "going green" is evaluating and improving the building envelope.  These are the parts of the building that separate the interior space from the exterior.  This shell includes the foundation, exterior walls, windows, roof, exterior doors, and floors.  When you think about energy efficiency, this just makes sense.  When it is cold outside, we want to be warm.  When it is hot, we seek the cool interior.  Any transfer between the inside and the outside results in greater energy use for us to be comfortable. 

The two main action areas of closing the envelope are sealing and insulating - the main goal being to separate the inside and outside air.  If you are going for a specific certification, you need to be sure to solve these issue up to their code, but to seal a building you can use materials as simple as caulk and as advanced at OwenCornings new Energy Complete sealant. 

The roof and windows are two important considerations.  The options for roofs range from green roofs, which can be as simple (see left) or complex (see below) as you choose, to the installation of solar panels - a great way to create your own energy.  Green roofs also help prevent the heat island effect in urban areas - an extra plus!  Windows also have insulation and coating that helps let light into the building while reducing heat/cold exchange.  These low-e windows are increasingly common in all types of construction and are even part of many building codes.

Doors and the efficiency of the HVAC system  play a huge role in helping to seal the building envelope and keep the occupants comfortable and healthy.  One interesting consideration when sealing a building is managing CO2 content.  Again, there simple and complex solutions.  Opening the windows and allowing for a cross breeze refreshes the inside air.  There are also CO2 sensors that work with the HVAC system to take in outside air when a specified level of CO2 is detected.

When considering "going green" it is important to realize that there are many steps, considerations, and options - sealing the envelope is just one.  Determining your goals at the onset can help you focus your attention and resources in a way to achieve maximum results and help take another step toward sustainability.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Energy Bill: $0 Helping the Planet: Priceless

Homeowners all over the country struggle with the high cost of utilities.  Looking for ways to reduce our energy consumption is not just being globally responsible, it is about financial responsibility as well.  Well, what if you could live in a house that had a low, really low electric bill - like $0?!  This idea of a net-zero home is not a thing of fairy tales!  All over the world, homeowners are creating ways to make their homes energy producers, sometimes even selling electricity back to the electric companies! So, whether you are building a new home or looking for ways to reduce your energy bills in your current home check out these homeowners who run to their mailbox every month to see their utility bill!:)

This new construction home in Dallas earned the highest LEED certification available - Platinum.  From the site of the home to the geothermal features, these homeowners overcame challenges to build a super green home.

Green renovation
This 1930's house in Palo Alto, CA shows that your don't have to build new to enjoy energy savings.  They reduced their energy usage by 62%, even with the addition of central air conditioning!

Finally, check out how this homeowner converted his house "from a Hummer to a Prius", achieving net-zero energy.  His solutions are far from technologically advanced, but they are cost effective and work - simple life changes that result in giving energy back to grid while doing his part to help the planet.  

Going green - it's a win-win.

It's Not Easy Going Green

Most people who think about green buildings think about new, modern, cutting-edge construction, but what about the thousands of buildings (about 98% of the buildings in developed countries) that are already built?  If this green initiative is going to have any significant impact on our planet, we can't just look to future buildings - we have to be ready to update exisiting buildings. This is where retrofitting comes into the picture.  By taking existing buildings and updating them with green features, we are able to impact the future today.  The two main goals of retrofitting are to reduce energy use and to minimize the production of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) - the nasty stuff that is a huge contributor to global warming. 

Rendering of Sears Tower rooftop (
 Retrofitting seems like a great idea - and it is - but it comes with its own challenges.  The primary concern is the expense.  This is combined with the diffculty in calculating the benefits (saving $$ on energy bills) and a sense that you have to do it big or not at all, causing many property owners to stop before they start.  While there are several major retrofitting projects such as the Empire State Building, Sears Tower, and Sydney Opera House, these high-profile multi-million dollar projects seem to perpetuate this idea that there is no room for smaller updates.  Nothing could be further from the truth. There are many things that a property owner can do to help retrofit their building that are of minimal cost.  Simple things like using compact flourescent light bulbs, insulating behind heaters, reducing water use all play a role in helping to improve the energy efficiency of a building.  While LEED Certification is a wonderful goal, we all need to get comfortable with the idea that this is a work in progress.  Every little thing we can do that moves us toward a mindset of sustainability is a good thing.  It may not be easy going green, but there is little question that it is worth the effort.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

... and so it begins....

We have completed class one in a two week marathon on Sustainability.  Monday through Friday, 6 - 10 pm we will be at the UTA Santa Fe campus learning about the importance of sustainable development, the real meaning of going green, and how all of that plays into the world of real estate and construction.  While many people think this is a new trend, the truth is it has been around for decades.  There has been a recent surge of interest and media attention that has helped people see the wide stretching impact of the choices we make today on future generations.  Being green is no longer for a select few, it is mandated by government, promoted by companies, and is a very real part of our present culture.